Two screens worked out on desktop, need to convert to mobile view for effectiveness.
Screenshot 1 - Course description:

Screenshot 2 - Assignments, Due Dates, Progress, Weights and Earned Grades:

I need to be able to view each assignment in its own screen for clarity, and a landscape only view of the aggregate. I need input as to how the cumulative grade should display...
Not at all (as in example), to date, to date with anticipated, received only, other.
There will also be a screen (maybe in release 2) that shows semester average and cumulative GPA and of course the direct import of schedules from online registration.... Release 3 could have instructor Push capabilities to send assignments to mobile devices within proximity and for releasing and updating grades to those assignments.
In an interview with a prospective user, the assignment tracking became more important than the grade element. Especially with the example above, which I showed, that does not have a series of test scores or grades through the semester, just keeping track of the assignments is important.
Room, location and time was less important to my prospect, but I pictured integrating with some of the other discussed projects - where GPS could even route you to correct building if properly mapped.
At least its a start. I'll supply more questions and answers from interview later.
This is a cool idea and could be an extremely handy application for students. I have a similarly designed portion of my syllabi set up for just this thing, only in print. If students could keep track of their points, and the percentage of points accumulated in the class, that would eliminate the anxiety and gray area in at least some of the discussions about grades. Transparency with grades, I think, builds trust and understanding in the classroom. This could only help with that.